February 18, 2015

How many stitches should I cast on?

When we start a new project we usually do not know how many stitches we have to cast on. Everyone knits different and every yarn is also different. So what we will do is:

1. Start with the yarn and the needles that you are planning on using and cast on 12 or 15 stitches.
2. "Knit one row, Purl (reverse) anotherone." repeat for about 2 inches (aprox 5 cm)
3. Meassure it (the width of this sample)

4 Calculate as follows:

February 12, 2015


Thanks girls!!!

Link to video: http://youtu.be/ZJl9slbK8AI

Cast On

Glinda has asked me how to cast on, she panicked for no reason...I'm sure you just needed to calm down and remember.
No worries anyway, here it is! I just recorded a little video, ill make sure I get more professional soon.
Link:  http://youtu.be/jTzkjRw9oos

Let's start...

Let's start...
Girl: No Grandma, use just one hand for the chopsticks
Grandma: Ooops! I made a scarf.

Welcome to my knitting noodles. 
My name is Paloma and I am NOT a knitting expert but I enjoy spending time doing it.
How did this start? Well... I went thru a rough moment in my personal life and I hid at home making a shawl

When I was done I posted it on facebook and a lot of people complimented me and asked me to teach them how to knit. I said...why not? it is a nice way to spend time with friends, we could open a bottle of wine and gossip around.
The result... some of my girls got completely addicted to it and they are doing an amazing job!

I live in Pittsburgh, PA, but I am originally from Spain. I decided to go back home and  "my knitters" got really anxious "what are we going to do now?", "who is going to help us?" "Spain is 6 hours ahead!". This is the reason why I am here right now, talking to all of you.
Hope you enjoy it!